Context Data (next)
To interoperate, apps need to exchange commonly recognized context structures that can indicate topic with any number of identifiers or mappings to different systems. FDC3 Context Data defines a standard for passing common identifiers and data, encoded in JSON, between apps to create a seamless workflow. FDC3 Context Data is not a symbology solution and is not specifically focused on modeling financial objects. The focus is on providing a standard JSON payload structure that can be used to establish a lowest common denominator for interoperability.
Context objects are used when raising intents and when broadcasting context to other applications.
There are two main use cases for exchanging context data:
Transmitting reference data between applications. The source application will send as many known identifiers as possible, and the target application will try to match the entity based on the identifiers. It may then choose to map to its own internal domain representation for rendering purposes.
An example of this is sending an instrument or contact, when only an ISIN or email is required to reference the same data in another application.
Transferring information between applications. The source application may have data required to compose a workflow with another application, e.g. a list of contacts that have been selected, or a complex object representing an RFQ request.
In many such cases there aren't any sensible reference identifiers that can be shared, it is instead the data itself being transferred.
- Context data objects are identified and routed according to their type, which is unique.
- Any names, identifiers or extra properties are optional.
- More complex objects can be composed from simpler objects by defining a new type, e.g a position from an instrument and a holding amount.
- If multiple pieces of data need to be sent, an embedded array can be used, identified as a collection type, e.g. "contactList" or "portfolio". This allows for additional metadata and data relationships to be expressed.
- There needs to be a way to reference or look up the structure of well-known context types, e.g. from a directory.
Other Standards
FDC3 recognizes that there are other object definitions for providing context between applications. Most, if not all of these definitions though are platform-specific. FDC3, as a rule, sets out to be platform-agnostic and focused on creating bridges between the various walled gardens on the financial desktop.
Context Schemas
FDC3 Context data is primarily encoded in JSON, but may also be encoded in language specific formats for use with FDC3 API implementations in those languages, although it is advisable to ensure that they can be converted to and from JSON.
Each Standardized context type defined by the FDC3 Standard has an associated JSON Schema definition that should be considered the 'source of truth' for the context definition, although examples in documentation may also be given in TypeScript or JavaScript. The TypeScript definitions distributed in the FDC3 NPM module are generated from the JSON Schema files using quicktype. Both documentation for fields defined (in the form of a title
and description
entry for each field defined) and examples SHOULD be included in JSON Schema definitions for Context types to ensure that the schema file can serve as a single source of truth, and that code generated from the schema files can also include that documentation.
The Context Interface
The Context interface defines the basic contract or "shape" for all data exchanged by FDC3 operations. As such, it is not meant to be used on its own, but is imported by more specific type definitions (standardized or custom) to provide the structure and properties shared by all FDC3 context data types.
The Context interface can be summarized as:
- Having a unique type identifier, used for routing.
- Optionally providing a name.
- Optionally providing a map of equivalent identifiers.
- Any other properties or metadata.
The key element of FDC3 context types is their mandatory type
property, which is used to identify what type of data the
object represents, and what shape it has. The FDC3 context type, and all derived types, define the minimum set of fields a context data object of a particular type can be expected to have, but this can always be extended with custom fields as appropriate.
Hence, the Context interface can be represented in TypeScript as:
interface Context {
type: string;
name?: string;
id?: {
[x:string]: string;
[x: string]: any;
or in JSON Schema as:
"$schema": "",
"$id": "",
"type": "object",
"title": "Context",
"description": "The `fdc3.context` type defines the basic contract for all data exchanged by FDC3 operations.",
"properties": {
"type": {
"type": "string"
"name": {
"type": "string"
"id": {
"type": "object",
"unevaluatedProperties": {
"type": "string"
"additionalProperties": true,
"required": [
This is a simplified version of the schema for illustrative purposes, the fully documented Context schema, which is composed with other FDC3 Standard context schemas, can be found at:
The type property is the only required part of the FDC3 context data schema. The FDC3 API relies on the type
property being present to route shared context data appropriately.
FDC3 Intents also register the context data types they support in an FDC3 App Directory, used for intent discovery and routing.
Standardized FDC3 context types have well-known type
properties prefixed with the fdc3
namespace, e.g. fdc3.instrument
For non-standard types, e.g. those defined and used by a particular organization, the convention is to prefix them with an
organization-specific namespace, e.g.
See the Context Data Specification for more information about context data types.
All well-known types at FDC3 level are prefixed with fdc3
. For private type definitions, or type definitions issued by other organizations, different namespaces MUST be used, e.g.
, etc.
Context data objects may include an optional name property that can be used for more information, or display purposes. Some derived types may require the name object as mandatory, depending on use case.
Context data objects may include a set of equivalent key-value pairs in the id
property that can be used to help applications identify and look up the context type they receive in their own domain. The idea behind this design is that applications can provide as many equivalent identifiers to a target application as possible, e.g. an instrument may be represented by an ISIN, CUSIP or Bloomberg identifier.
Identifiers do not make sense for all types of data, so the id
property is therefore optional, but some derived types choose to require at least one identifier.
Where an identifier is the name of an existing standard, external to FDC3, it is represented in all caps. For example: FIGI, PERMID, CUSIP, ISO-2. When an identifier is a more general concept, it is represented in all lower case. For example: ticker, name, geocode, email.
Identifier values SHOULD always be of type string.
All standard identifier names are reserved names. Applications may use their own identifiers ad hoc. For example:
"id": {
The identifier "foo" is proprietary, an application that can use it is free to do so. However, since multiple applications may want to use the "foo" name and may use it to mean different things, there is a need for applications to ensure that their identifiers use naming conventions that will avoid collision. The recommended approach here is to prefix the identifier name with a namespace. For example:
"id": {
"": "000C7F-E"
Avoid union types / composition of primitive types
Both Typescript and JSON Schema allow for a type of polymorphism in types and interfaces that is hard to represent in other languages: allowing the type of a variable to be a 'union' of other, unrelated types. E.g.: in TypeScript
type Example = SomeOtherType | YetAnotherType;
Similar constructs are allowed in JSON Schema by combining or composing schemas using the anyOf
or oneOf
keywords to specify that a value can take the form defined in one-or-more or one-of-several sub-schemas.
"recipients": {
"title": "Email Recipients",
"description": "One or more recipients for the email.",
"oneOf": [
"$ref": "contact.schema.json#"
"$ref": "contactList.schema.json#"
However, other languages can be less flexible. In most languages, polymorphism of object types is possible via the implementation and/or extension of an interface (for example all context types are derived from the Context schema, which can be modelled as an interface). However, this approach is not possible if one of the types in the union is a primitive, meaning it's not a class and can't be modified to implement an interface, e.g.:
type Example2 = SomeOtherType | number;
Hence, to ensure that FDC3 context objects are implementable in other languages context schemas MUST NOT use anyOf
compositions of primitive types in JSON schema (and, hence, unions of primitive types in TypeScript) and SHOULD avoid compositions of Object types unless a concept that can be defined as an interface (such as Context) is available.
Other Field Type Conventions
This Standard defines a number of conventions for the fields of context types that all context objects SHOULD adhere to in order to reduce or prevent competing conventions from being established in both standardized types and proprietary types created by app developers.
Fields representing a point in time SHOULD be string encoded according to ISO 8601-1:2019 with a timezone indicator included, e.g.:
- Time in UTC:
- Also time in UTC:
- Same time in EDT:
Times MAY be expressed with millisecond precision, e.g.:
Parsing in JavaScript:
let aDate = new Date("2022-03-30T11:44:44.123-04:00")
Fields representing a point in time SHOULD be string encoded using the YYYY-MM-DD
date format from ISO 8601-1:2019.
E.g. "2022-03-30"
Parsing in JavaScript:
let aDate = new Date("2022-03-30")
Country codes
Fields representing a country SHOULD be string encoded using the Alpha-2-codes from ISO 3166-1 and field name COUNTRY_ISOALPHA2
. The Alpha-3-codes from ISO 3166-1 MAY be used in addition to the Alpha-2-code with the field name COUNTRY_ISOALPHA3
Currency codes
Fields representing a currency SHOULD be string encoded using the Alphabetic code from ISO 4217 with the field name CURRENCY_ISOCODE
ISO 4217 only includes major currency codes, conversions to minor currencies is the responsibility of the consuming system (where required).
Context Data Standard Compliance
An FDC3 Standard compliant application that supports the use of context data MUST:
- Ensure that any FDC3-defined standard context types used meet the interface defined for that type of context data.
- Where an app is intended to receive context from
calls, use thefdc3.addContextListener
API call to set up appropriate handlers. - Where App or Private channels are supported, use the
API call to set up appropriate handlers.
An FDC3 Standard compliant application that supports the use of context data SHOULD:
- Prefer FDC3-defined standard context types over proprietary contexts, where a suitable FDC3-defined standard context type is available.
- Ensure that any proprietary context data types defined follow any the recommended namespacing and field type conventions in the specification.
- Where an app is intended to receive context from
calls, use thefdc3.addContextListener
API call to set up appropriate handlers within 15 seconds of the application launch (the minimum timeout Desktop Agents are required to provide) in order to be widely compatible with Desktop Agent implementations.
An FDC3 Standard compliant application that supports the use of context data MAY:
- Define proprietary context data types to support use cases not currently supported via FDC3-defined standard context types.
For more details on FDC3 Standards compliance (including the versioning, deprecation and experimental features policies) please see the FDC3 Compliance page.
Standard Context Types
The following are standard FDC3 context types:
The following are @experimental
types, which are in the process of being defined:
The below examples show how the base context data interface can be used to define specific context data objects.
"type": "",
"name": "John Smith",
"email": "",
"type": "",
"recipients": {
"type": "",
"name": "Jane Doe",
"id": {
"email": ""
"subject": "The information you requested",
"textBody": "Blah, blah, blah ..."
"type" : "fdc3.instrument",
"name" : "Apple",
"id" :
"ticker" : "aapl",
"ISIN" : "US0378331005",
"CUSIP" : "037833100",
"FIGI" : "BBG000B9XRY4",
TypeScript definition
The Instrument
type is derived from the Context
type (note that the name becomes a required field, the type is fixed and optional id
subfields are defined):
interface Instrument extends Context {
type: 'fdc3.instrument',
name: string;
id: {
ticker?: string;
ISIN?: string;
CUSIP?: string;
e.g. as a JSON payload:
"type" : "fdc3.instrument",
"name" : "Apple",
"id" :
"ticker" : "aapl",
"ISIN" : "US0378331005",
"CUSIP" : "037833100"