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@experimental context type representing an order. To be used with OMS and EMS systems.

This type currently only defines a required id field, which should provide a reference to the order in one or more systems, an optional human-readable name field to be used to summarize the order, and an optional details field that may be used to provide additional detail about the order, including a Context representing a product, which may be extended with arbitrary properties. The details.product field is currently typed as an unspecified Context type, but both details and details.product are expected to be standardized in the future.





idobjectYesOne or more identifiers that refer to the order in an OMS, EMS or related system. Specific key names for systems are expected to be standardized in future. E.g.:{ myOMS: '12345' }
namestringNoAn optional human-readable summary of the order.
detailsobjectNoOptional additional details about the order, which may include a product element that is an, as yet undefined but extensible, Context
details.productProductNoThe product that the order relates to


const order1 = {
"type": "fdc3.order",
"name": "...",
"id": {
"myOMS": "12345"
"details": {
"product": {
"type": "fdc3.product",
"id": {
"productId": "ABC123"
"instrument": {
"type": "fdc3.instrument",
"id": {
"ticker": "MSFT"
const order2 = {
"type": "fdc3.order",
"id": {
"myOMS": "ABC123"

See Also

Other Types