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A representation of an FDC3 Action (specified via a Context or Context & Intent) that can be inserted inside another object, for example a chat message.

The action may be completed by calling fdc3.raiseIntent() with the specified Intent and Context, or, if only a context is specified, by calling fdc3.raiseIntentForContext() (which the Desktop Agent will resolve by presenting the user with a list of available Intents for the Context).

Accepts an optional app parameter in order to specify a specific app.

Schema (github)




title (required)

type: string

A human readable display name for the action


type: string

Optional Intent to raise to perform the actions. Should reference an intent type name, such as those defined in the FDC3 Standard. If intent is not set then fdc3.raiseIntentForContext should be used to perform the action as this will usually allow the user to choose the intent to raise.

context (required)

type: Context

A context object with which the action will be performed


type: api/AppIdentifier

An optional target application identifier that should perform the action


"type": "fdc3.action",
"title": "Click to view Chart",
"intent": "ViewChart",
"context": {
"type": "fdc3.chart",
"instruments": [
"type": "fdc3.instrument",
"id": {
"ticker": "EURUSD"
"range": {
"type": "fdc3.dateRange",
"starttime": "2020-09-01T08:00:00.000Z",
"endtime": "2020-10-31T08:00:00.000Z"
"style": "candle"
"app": {
"appId": "MyChartViewingApp",
"instanceId": "instance1"