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@experimental context type representing a trade. To be used with execution systems.

This type currently only defines a required id field, which should provide a reference to the trade in one or more systems, an optional human readable name field to be used to summarize the trade and a required product field that may be used to provide additional detail about the trade, which is currently typed as a unspecified Context type, but product is expected to be standardized in future.

The Trade schema does not explicitly include identifiers in the id section, as there is not a common standard for such identifiers. Applications can, however, populate this part of the contract with custom identifiers if so desired.

Schema (github)



id (required)

type: object

Additional Properties

type: string

One or more identifiers that refer to the trade in an OMS, EMS or related system. Specific key names for systems are expected to be standardized in future.


type: string

A human-readable summary of the trade.

product (required)

type: Product

A product that is the subject of the trade.


"type": "",
"name": "...",
"id": {
"myEMS": "12345"
"product": {
"type": "fdc3.product",
"id": {
"productId": "ABC123"
"instrument": {
"type": "fdc3.instrument",
"id": {
"ticker": "MSFT"