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In addition to intent and context events, the FDC3 API and PrivateChannel API may be used to listen for other types of events via their addEventListener() functions.


Type defining a basic event object that may be emitted by an FDC3 API interface such as DesktopAgent or PrivateChannel. There are more specific event types defined for each interface.

interface ApiEvent {
readonly type: string;
readonly details: any;

See also:


type EventHandler = (event: ApiEvent) => void;

Describes a callback that handles non-context and non-intent events. Provides the details of the event.

Used when attaching listeners to events.

See also:


type FDC3EventTypes = "userChannelChanged";

Type defining valid type strings for DesktopAgent interface events.

See also:


interface FDC3Event extends ApiEvent{
readonly type: FDC3EventTypes;
readonly details: any;

Type representing the format of event objects that may be received via the FDC3 API's addEventListener function.

Events will always include both type and details properties, which describe the type of the event and any additional details respectively.

See also:


interface FDC3ChannelChangedEvent extends FDC3Event {
readonly type: "userChannelChanged";
readonly details: {
currentChannelId: string | null

Type representing the format of userChannelChanged events.

The identity of the channel joined is provided as details.currentChannelId, which will be null if the app is no longer joined to any channel.


type PrivateChannelEventTypes = "addContextListener" | "unsubscribe" | "disconnect";

Type defining valid type strings for Private Channel events.

See also:


interface PrivateChannelEvent extends ApiEvent {
readonly type: PrivateChannelEventTypes;
readonly details: any;

Type defining the format of event objects that may be received via a PrivateChannel's addEventListener function.

See also:


interface PrivateChannelAddContextListenerEvent extends PrivateChannelEvent {
readonly type: "addContextListener";
readonly details: {
contextType: string | null

Type defining the format of events representing a context listener being added to the channel (addContextListener). Desktop Agents MUST fire this event for each invocation of addContextListener on the channel, including those that occurred before this handler was registered (to prevent race conditions).

The context type of the listener added is provided as details.contextType, which will be null if all event types are being listened to.


interface PrivateChannelUnsubscribeEvent extends PrivateChannelEvent {
readonly type: "unsubscribe";
readonly details: {
contextType: string | null

Type defining the format of events representing a context listener removed from the channel (Listener.unsubscribe()). Desktop Agents MUST call this when disconnect() is called by the other party, for each listener that they had added.

The context type of the listener removed is provided as details.contextType, which will be null if all event types were being listened to.


export interface PrivateChannelDisconnectEvent extends PrivateChannelEvent {
readonly type: "disconnect";
readonly details: null | undefined;

Type defining the format of events representing a remote app being terminated or is otherwise disconnecting from the PrivateChannel. This event is fired in addition to unsubscribe events that will also be fired for any context listeners the disconnecting app had added.

No details are provided.