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Version: 1.2


Since FDC3 is typically available to the whole web application, desktop agents are expected to make the DesktopAgent interface available at a global level.

window.fdc3 Object

The global fdc3 object can be used to access FDC3 API operations, if the current desktop agent supports FDC3.


// check if fdc3 is available
if (window.fdc3) {
// raise an intent
await window.fdc3.raiseIntent('StartChat', {
type: '',
id: { email: '' }

fdc3Ready Event

The global window.fdc3 should only be available after the API is ready to use. To prevent the API from being used before it is ready, implementors should provide an fdc3Ready event.


function fdc3Action() {
// Make some fdc3 API calls here

if (window.fdc3) {
} else {
window.addEventListener('fdc3Ready', fdc3Action);

fdc3Ready() Function

If you are using the @finos/fdc3 NPM package, it includes a handy wrapper function that will check for the existence of window.fdc3 and wait on the fdc3Ready event for you.

It returns a promise that will resolve immediately if the window.fdc3 global is already defined, or reject with an error if the fdc3Ready event doesn't fire after a specified timeout period (default: 5 seconds).

### Example

import { fdc3Ready, broadcast } from '@finos/fdc3'

async function fdc3Action() {
try {
await fdc3Ready(1000); // wait for (at most) 1 second
type: 'fdc3.instrument',
id: { ticker: 'AAPL' }
} catch (error) {
// handle error