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Version: 1.2


FDC3 API operations return various types of metadata.


interface AppIntent {
intent: IntentMetadata;
apps: Array<AppMetadata>;

An interface that represents the binding of an intent to apps, returned as part of intent disocvery. For each intent, it reference the applications that support that intent.

See also


interface AppMetadata {
name: string;
appId?: string;
version?: string;
title?: string;
tooltip?: string;
description?: string;
icons?: Array<string>;
images?: Array<string>;

App metadata is provided by the FDC3 App Directory that the desktop agent connects to.

It always includes at least a name property, which can be used with open and raiseIntent.

Optionally, extra information from the app directory can be returned, to aid in rendering UI elements, e.g. a context menu. This includes a title, description, tooltip and icon and image URLs.

In situations where a desktop agent connects to multiple app directories or multiple versions of the same app exists in a single app directory, it may be neccessary to specify appId and version to target applications that share the same name.

See also


 public interface DisplayMetadata {
name?: string;
color?: string;
glyph?: string;

A desktop agent (typically for system channels) may want to provide additional information about how a channel can be represented in a UI. A common use case is for color linking.

See also



name?: string;

The display name for the channel.


color?: string;

A name, hex, rgba, etc. that should be associated within the channel when displaying it in a UI.


glyph: string;

A URL of an image that can be used to display this channel.


public interface ImplementationMetadata {
fdc3Version: string;
provider: string;
providerVersion?: string;

Metadata relating to the FDC3 DesktopAgent object and its provider, including the supported version of the FDC3 specification and the name of the provider of the implementation.

See also


interface IntentMetadata {
name: string;
displayName: string;

The Interface used to describe an Intent within the platform.

See also


interface IntentResolution {
source: TargetApp;
* @deprecated not assignable from intent listeners
data?: object;
version: string;

IntentResolution provides a standard format for data returned upon resolving an intent.


// resolve a "Chain" type intent
const intentResolution = await fdc3.raiseIntent("intentName", context);

See also