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Version: 2.0

User Channel Tests 1.2 2.0

NB: User Channels were called System Channels in FDC3 1.2. The new terminology is used in this specification

Basic Broadcast

A1. addContextListenerA adds an unfiltered Context Listener using addContextListener(null, handler).
1.2 A Listener object is returned
2.0 A promise resolving a Listener object is returned
Check that this has an unsubscribe method.
A2. joinUserChannelA joins the first available (non-global) user channel. The available Channels are retrieved with:
1.2 fdc3.getSystemChannels() Check channels are returned.
2.0 fdc3.getUserChannels()
The first channel (that does not have the id 'global') is joined with:
1.2 fdc3.joinChannel(<channelId>) Check channels are returned.
2.0 fdc3.joinUserChannel(<channelId>)
B3. joinUserChannelB joins the same channel as A, via the same process in 2.
B4. BroadcastB broadcasts an fdc3.instrument context to the channel using fdc3.broadcast(<the instrument>).
2.0 Check a void promise is returned.
A5. Receive ContextA receives the instrument object, matching the one broadcast by B.
  • UCBasicUsage1 Perform above test
  • UCBasicUsage2 Perform steps in order: 2,1,3,4,5 to confirm that the order of joinUserChannel and addContextListener calls doesn't matter
  • UCBasicUsage3 Perform steps in order: 3,4,1,2,5 to confirm that the current context is automatically received on joining a channel.
  • UCBasicUsage4 Perform steps in order: 3,4,2,1,5 to confirm that the current context is automatically received on adding a context listener to an already joined a channel.

Filtered Broadcast

A1. addContextListenerA adds a fdc3.instrument typed Context Listener using addContextListener("fdc3.instrument", handler).
1.2 A Listener object is returned
2.0 A promise resolving a Listener object is returned
Check that this has an unsubscribe method.
A2. joinUserChannelA joins the first available user channel using:
1.2 getSystemChannels() Check channels are returned.
2.0 getUserChannels() Check user channels are returned.
Call fdc3.joinChannel() on the first non-global channel.
B3. joinUserChannelB joins the same channel as A, via the same process in 2.
B4. BroadcastB broadcasts:
1.fdc3.broadcast(<the instrument>).
2. fdc3.broadcast(<a contact>)
2.0 Check a void promise is returned.
A5. Receive ContextA receives the fdc3.instrument object, matching the one broadcast by B.
Check that the is NOT received.
  • UCFilteredUsage1 Perform above test
  • UCFilteredUsage2 Perform steps in order: 2,1,3,4,5
  • UCFilteredUsage3 Perform steps in order: 3,4,1,2,5
  • UCFilteredUsage4 Perform steps in order: 3,4,2,1,5

Broadcast With Multiple Listeners

A1. addContextListenersA sets up two Context Listeners. One for fdc3.instrument and one for by calling: addContextListener ("fdc3.instrument", handler)
addContextListener ("", handler)
1.2 A Listener object is returned for each.
2.0 A promise resolving a Listener object is returned for each.
Check that this has an unsubscribe method for each.
A2. joinUserChannelA joins the first available user channel using:
1.2 getSystemChannels() Check channels are returned.
2.0 getUserChannels() Check user channels are returned.
Call fdc3.joinChannel() on the first non-global channel.
B3. joinUserChannelB joins the same channel as A, via the same process in 2.
B4. Broadcastfdc3.broadcast(<instrument context>)
fdc3.broadcast(<contact context>) .
A5.Receive ContextA's fdc3.instrument object matches the one broadcast by B, and arrives on the correct listener.
A's object matches the one broadcast by B, and arrives on the correct listener.
  • UCFilteredUsage5: Perform above test
  • UCFilteredUsage6: Perform above test, except B will join a different channel to A. Check that you don't receive anything.
  • UCFilteredUsageChange: Perform above test, except that after joining, A changes channel to a different channel via a further call to fdc3.joinUserChannel. Check that A does NOT receive anything.
  • UCFilteredUsageUnsubscribe: Perform above test, except that after joining, A then unsubscribe()s from the channel using the listener.unsubscribe function. Check that A does NOT receive anything.
  • UCFilteredUsageLeave: Perform above test, except that immediately after joining, A leaves the channel, and so receives nothing.
  • UCFilteredUsageNoJoin: Perform the above test, but skip step 2 so that A does NOT join a channel. Confirm that the current channel for A is NOT set before continuing with the rest of the test. A should receive nothing.