Metadata & Instance Test Cases
You will need to pre-populate the AppDirectory with the following items:
App | Required Metadata |
A | Generic AppD Record which contains at least the following fields: - name - version - title - tooltip - description - icons (Array<Icon> )- screenshots (Array<Image> )- interop.intents.listensFor (aTestingIntent with at least context type testContextX ) |
Retrieve AppMetadata
App | Step | Details |
Test | 1.getAppMetadata | Retrieve metadata for the configured app A with const metadata1 = await fdc3.getAppMetadata({appId: "<A's appId>"}) |
Test | 2.Confirm | Compare the AppMetadata object to the expected definition for the fields provided above during setup and ensure that the metadata matches. An instanceId should NOT be set |
: perform the above steps
Instance Metadata
App | Step | Details |
Test | 1. Open1 | Open a first instance of App A using const appIdentifier1 = await{appId: "<A's appId>"}) and confirm that its AppIdentifier contains an instanceId . |
Test | 2. Open2 | Open a second instance of App A using const appIdentifier2 = await{appId: "<A's appId>"}) and confirm that its AppIdentifier contains an instanceId and that its value differs from that returned for the first instance. |
Test | 3. getAppMetadata1 | Retrieve metadata for the first instance of the app withconst metadata1 = fdc3.getAppMetadata(appIdentifier1) |
Test | 4. Confirm1 | Compare the AppMetadata object to the expected definition for the fields provided above during setup and ensure that the metadata matches. |
Test | 5. getAppMetadata2 | Retrieve metadata for the second instance of the app with const metadata2 = fdc3.getAppMetadata(appIdentifier2) |
Test | 6. Confirm2 | An instanceId should be provided, confirm that it matches the one in appIdentifier2 |
: Perform the above steps
Finding Instances
App | Step | Details |
Test | 1. Open1 | Open the first instance of App A using const appIdentifier1 = await{appId: "<A's appId>"}) and confirm that its AppIdentifier contains an instanceId . |
Test | 2. Open2 | Open a second instance of App A using const appIdentifier2 = await{appId: "<A's appId>"}) and confirm that its AppIdentifier contains an instanceId and that its value differs from that returned for the first instance. |
Test | 3. FindInstances | Retrieve details of open instances of app A with let instances = await fdc3.findInstances({appId: "<A's appId>"}) confirm that both appIdentifier1 and appIdentifier2 are both present in the array. |
Test | 4. RaiseIntent | Use appIdentifier1 to raise an intent and target that instance, withconst resolution = fdc3.raiseIntent("aTestingIntent", {"type": "testContextX"}, appIdentifier1) |
Test | 5. Confirm1 | Check that resolution.source matches appIdentifier1 |
A | 6. ConfirmReceipt | Ensure that the instance of app A represented by appIdentifier1 received the raised intent |
: Perform the above steps
Getting Info For The Agent
App | Step | Details |
Test | 1. getInfo | Retrieve the ImplementationMetadata for the DesktopAgent with - let implMetadata = fdc3.getInfo() - fdc3.getInfo().then((implMetadata) => { subsequent steps } Note that the use of then is deliberate and intended to confirm that a promise returned (as this function switched from synchronous to asynchronous in 2.0) |
Test | 2. CheckVersion | Check that the fdc3Version variable is present and at or greater than: - - (which you can do with the versionIsAtLeast function from FDC3's Methods.ts:const isFDC3v2 = versionIsAtLeast(implMetadata, "2.0") |
Test | 3. CheckProvider | Check that the provider variable is present and not an empty string |
Test | 4. CheckFeatures | optionalFeatures , optionalFeatures.OriginatingAppMetadata and optionalFeatures.UserChannelMembershipAPIs variables are all present and that the latter two provide boolean values |
: Perform the above steps
App | Step | Details |
Test | 1.Open1 | Start an instance of App A with const appIdentifier1 = await{appId: "<A's appId>"}) retrieve its AppIdentifier with instance details. Confirm that the AppIdentifier contains both an appId and instanceId |
A | 2.getInfo | Retrieve the ImplementationMetadata for the DesktopAgent with: fdc3.getInfo().then((implMetadata) => { ... subsequent steps ...} This should include AppMetadata for the retrieving app. |
A + Test | 3.Confirm | Check that implMetadata.appMetadata contains an appId and instanceId matching that retrieved in the first step (will require transmission of the details from A to Test or vice-versa). Also compare the AppMetadata object to the expected definition for the fields provided above during setup and ensure that the metadata matches. |
: Perform the above steps.